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Daily Affirmations

I am enough this moment.

My emotional well being is based on how I love me and so I am kind and gentle towards myself.

I am forgiven and I forgive.

I feel the power I have of choice each moment and so I choose to live in the aliveness of the present moment.

I am: Good, Capable, Balanced, Accepting, Healthy, Grateful, and Joyful.

I am a precious human being growing in wisdom and love each day.

No one in the world is more important than I am as a person.

Being honest and open with myself reduces the fantasies and keeps me feeling good about myself.

I can and do have fun.  I am a winner.

I am not my actions.  I no longer have to be perfect.

I am a gift.  I love life.  I breathe deeply.

Today I am willing to create and ask for new gentle, caring, and honest friendships from healthy and available people.

Recovery is about focusing on me and checking in with me and others about how I am feeling and doing.

I enjoy taking life just one day at a time.

I see that others are the source of what goes on in their life and I am the source of what goes on in mine.

I have wonderful talents and abilities.  I am seeing that's true more and more each day.

I am learning to let go more and more of hidden resentments and thoughts of blame.

Today I am creating my life as I want it to be now and in the future.

I feel the power I have of choice each moment and so I choose to live in the aliveness of the present moment.

I am releasing all thoughts and feelings and behaviors that no longer serve in my recovery.

I see good.  My life is unfolding according to a perfect plan.  I am worthy.  I love and am loved.       940.230.2003

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